Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Skype around the world!

Today during our class session, we had the great opportunity to participate in a "Skype-A-Thon" and Skype with another class! This was part of something the other class called a "Mystery Skype"! Our class skyped with an 8th grade class from Kansas! We did not know them, and they did not know us! It started out with the other class asking us a question about where we lived! They would ask us a question and then we would ask them going back and forth. The class would ask us a question and then mark off on a map they had. So, they would ask us questions to try to narrow down where we lived, and when we answered they would mark off an area that would then be considered 'out' based on the answer we gave them! We went back and forth for a while before we finally guessed they lived in Kansas! After a few more questions they figured out that we were from New York! They said that they were surprised we did not have New York accents! 

This was a really great opportunity and learning experience. At first, I was a little weary about how this would work out skyping with another teacher and classroom that we had no idea who they were! But, the class was really great and very into the whole process, as was ours! The teacher was also excellent and had a lot many amazing ideas and advice for us as future teachers! One important thing she kept saying, was that as teachers, we need to create lessons that students will remember! It is so important that students are involved with their learning experience and it should be memorable and enjoyable for the students! 

After the lesson, she showed us how she would normally wrap up a lesson, as if we were not there. So they gathered together and talked about the overall lesson. I think this was also good for us to observe because we got to see how another teacher handled this and effectively closed a lesson. I think there are a lot of benefits to this "Mystery Skype." One of the students in the class explained to us that she skyped with another group of kids from Africa. They were trying to help the kids in Africa learn about clean water that they could drink and use. The student told us that they also talked with a class from Greece as well! This gives students the opportunity to learn so much about other people and other cultures! 

The teacher even gave us some time to ask her questions because she has been doing this for many years now. Overall, I think this is a great tool that I would definitely use in my classroom. This allows students to learn in more ways then one and gives them an incredible experience. I am very glad that we got to participate in this! 

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